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Lab I - Advanced Policy as Code

Lab 8 - Governance/Policy as Code (Advanced)

Create a Policy to block critical CVEs

  1. From the secondary menu, expand Project Setup and select Policies

  2. Select the Policies tab

  3. click + New Policy, set the name to Runtime OWASP CVEs and click Apply

  4. Set the rego to the following and click Save

package pipeline_environment
deny[sprintf("Node OSS Can't contain any critical vulnerability '%d'", [input.NODE_OSS_CRITICAL_COUNT])] {
  1. Select the Policy Sets tab

  2. Click + New Policy Set and configure as follows

NameCriticals Not Allowed
Entity TypeCustom
Event EvaluationOn Step
Policy Evaluation Criteria
Policy to EvaluateRuntime OWASP CVEs
  1. For the new policy set, toggle the Enforced button

Add Policy to Pipeline

  1. Open your pipeline

  2. Go to an execution that already ran, and copy the CRITICAL output variable from the OWASP step like so

  3. Select the frontend stage

  4. Before the Canary Deployment Step Group, add a Policy type step and configure as follow

NamePolicy - No Critical CVEs
Entity TypeCustom
Policy SetCriticals Now AllowedMake sure to select the Project tab in order to see your Policy Set
Payload{"NODE*OSS_CRITICAL_COUNT": *\<variable>\_}Set the field type to Expression, then replace <variable> with OWASP output variable CRITICAL. Go to a previous execution to copy the variable path.
  1. Save the pipeline and execute. Note that the pipeline fails at the policy evaluation step due to critical vulnerabilities being found by OWASP.