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Lab F - Chaos Engineering


We’ll run automatic application discovery to identify our layout and then introduce chaos experiments to test resiliency.

Lab Guide

Chaos Engineering

  1. Using the mega-hamburer button, switch to the Chaos Engineering pane. Chaos

Application Discovery

  1. On the left-side blue menu, choose project settings, scroll to Project-level resources, then the Discovery tile. Chaos Discovery
  2. On the DA-k8s line, on the far right, click the hamburger button, then Discover Now. Chaos Discovery
  3. Click on DA-k8s, then Application Maps, then +create new application map. Chaos Discovery
  4. Name it similar to landingpage and then select all services, then save in the top right.

Setup automatic chaos experiments

  1. In the blue left menu, click Application Maps, then click on your new application.
  2. Select Chaos Experiments at the top, then the Only a few tile. Chaos Discovery
  3. Review the experiement selected and then click run in the top right corner.

Setup a custom chaos experiment

  1. In the left blue menu, click Chaos Experiments, then +New Experiment.
  2. Give it a name similar to pod-memory, then *Kubernetes (Harness infra), *then Select a Chaos Infrastructure. Chaos Discovery
  3. Ensure prod is selected, click Next, ensure k8s is selected, then Apply.
  4. CLick Next, then start with blank canvas.
  5. Click the Add tile, (optional) search for memory, and select the Pod Memory Hog fault. Chaos Discovery
  6. Select Target Application, deployment type, the org’s namespace, and name. Chaos Discovery
  7. Select the Tune Fault tab, 300 for chaos duration, 300 for memory consumption, and 1 for workers.